Thanks for coming by and visiting our site! You probably are a new field hockey player or you’re looking for new gear! Fear not we got you covered! We try to cover as many items required for the sport and provide you the best recommendations. If you are new we definitely recommend you take a look at some posts under the instructional category. There should be multiple articles regarding the positions in the game, new sayings, and quotes, as well as newbie friendly drills. After getting an overview of the game, come by and determine which equipment you will need. For sticks, we definitely recommend sticking to a beginner level piece with a maxi head which allows you to practice dribbling and ball handling skills. After picking the right stick, we recommend you go through and pick the appropriate gear for safety. If your playing high school level field hockey – make sure to get eyewear regulation! At the end of the day make sure to choose the proper footwear so that you don’t develop blisters while you play and can perform in optimal condition! Happy shopping!
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